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Of course there isn't a "new normal" as we continue to adapt and change and learn from all that day-to-day life during a pandemic asks of us.  Yet, there are number of  things that have changed and will remain changed, at least for the foreseeable future.

For example: 

  • limited numbers of people able to gather at any given time
  • wearing masks when we gather & spacing out from each other
  • those with greater health concerns not coming to church
  • not being able to offer food and drink from the church

In many respects we went into "waiting mode" this past year and half.  It is time now to move forward on a number of levels, even as we continue to adapt and adjust and hold HOPE for regathering in ways we miss.

We invite each one of you to consider the ways you can participate in our shared ministry - whether in person, from your own home, online or otherwise.  We are in a season of church life that is asking a bit more of each of us, but always and only according to what we have to give.  Please take some time to prayerfully consider you own involvement as we strive to love God and neighbour in Port Perry.

Here a few of the places we need new volunteers.  We've outlined, very generally, what each task requires, but further conversation with our priest, Ruthanne, will give you a better idea of the requirements, flexiblity and timing.  Approximate time needed for each task is mentioned in brackets.

Lay Administration of the Reserved Sacrament

  • as some of our parishioners are unable to attend in person, we would like to offer, at least once a month, the reception of the reserved sacrament from a lay administrator 
  • ( 1 - 4 hours a month, depending on your availability)

Office Support

  • this could include printing and folding bulletins, checking office email and phone messages and other administrative tasks
  • (1 - 3 hours a week, depending on your availability and the tasks you choose to do)


  • being willing to be trained to manage our livestream through YouTube on Sunday mornings - looking for people to be a part of a team so that each only has one Sunday a month of duty
  • (2 hours, Sunday morning, probably 1X per month)

Pastoral Care

  • this can range from phone calls, email and personal visits (when safe and appropriate), attending Pastoral Care Team meetings once a month as you are able (currently on Zoom)
  • (1 - 4 hours per month)

Prayers of the People

  • writing the prayers or using published prayers and if you are able to be in attendance, praying the prayers of the people on a given Sunday - we currently have two intercessors and would like to train and bring on two more
  • (1 Sunday a month, 1 hour prep, 1 hour in church)


Please speak to our priest, Ruthanne, if any of these piques your curiousity and interest.  You can call her at 416-576-7480 and leave a message or email her at