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Following up from our Revitalization meetings last Fall, the committee has put together a short report.  This is not a FINAL report.  It is a review of where we are at the moment - summing up some of our findings, and recommendations for next steps.

Please follow the link on this page to access the report, or pick up a hard copy which will be available in the Narthex.

Why did it take so long to get this?

The way our meetings fell in terms of dates meant that our follow up did not happen until the new year.  Two of those meetings had to be cancelled and rebooked because of weather related issues (remember that winter we had, or have you put it out of your mind?).  This delayed the processing of information through the committee.  We are sorry for this delay, but assure you that it will not impact the really good work that was accomplished through our conversations together.

What do we have to work with?

Along with this summary report, we also received from Dr. Aileen Van Ginkel a handbook.  This handbook outlines the process that we used through our meetings and how it can be used and implemented as we continue the conversation and discern the directions God is calling us.  

The idea is that the process never really ends.  We won't have big meetings like the ones in the fall any time soon, but whether at Advisory Board or a Warden's meeting, we will discuss and discern direction continually.

So what we have to work with now includes:

- the handbook that gives us guidance for the on-going discernment process

- the ideas and directions that came out of our parish conversation - some implemented right away, others will be explored as time and resources become available

- people already offering their time and energy to follow some of these directions

What it is, and what it isn't.

This is a summary and a guiding document.  It is not a final outline of exactly what the church will or should do.  Churches have come to understand in the last decade or so that adaptation is key.  Things are constantly changing, and so we need to be as well.  Some of these ideas will become established parts of our community, others we will experiement with and will lead us in otherwise unanticpated directions.

Through it all we trust that God's heart is all about the life of the Church and our pariticpating in that life.  Our hope is in God!