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Last week Mary Margaret Walters shared this inspiring story via email with some of us in the parish. 

As many of you will remember, the United Church in Uxbridge was severely damaged by the tornado that went through that area last year and had to be torn down.  The Walters live on that street.  Another neighbour, Sarah Reid, had her nephews visiting with them this summer from Halifax.  Liam 11. Finley 9, Andrew 5 took it upon themselves to start rebuilding the church.  

As Mary Margaret shared, "Wouldn’t  Jesus be proud? Seems like a metaphor, 'On this rock I will build my church.'  And the children are doing it!"

In a seperate conversation with a retired priest this week, we reflected on the church our children and grandchildren are finding outside of traditional church walls.  Though we may despair at times when we notice the diminishment or decline of the church as we know it, we should remember that God's Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, remains regardless of what the occupancy of our church buildings might look like.