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Each month, on the fourth Sunday of the Month, we will be inviting people to bring items for the food bank.  As we all know, food insecurity in our communities is a wide-spread problem and isn't likely to change for the foreseeable future.  Where once the food bank was used by a few people, now many of us know of friends and neighbours, who have to access such support.

We are inviting those of you who are able to contribute, to bring an item that will be delivered to the foodbank.

As always, we also encourage you to make a financial contribution when you can as well.  You can do so online by following This Link

Current needs at the food bank include the following items:

Cleaning products

Diapers (sizes 3, 4, 5, 6) & Pull-ups (size 6)

Adult toothbrushes, tampons and pads, toilet paper.

Rice, brown and white sugar, oatmeal, pickles, carrots, potatoes, onions, flour & cake mixes.

Canned stew, canned chili, canned tomato