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Traditionally this Sunday is the day we celebrate creation and offer prayers of thanksgiving for the natural world and prayers of confession for the ways in which we have abused our relationship with this earth.  In the unusual pause that the global pandemic has forced on all of us, we are seeing ways in which the natural world is healing.  Air is cleaner, water clearer and animals freer.  As we pause from everyday life, from our usual consumption, let us prayerfully and worshipfully consider what God is asking of us when we return to life after the pandemic.  Could this Easter Season truly be a time of new life as we have not known it in years?


First Sunday in Easter - Earth Sunday

Opening Prayer

O God, who called all life into being, the earth, the sea, the sky are yours.  Your presence is all around us, every atom is full of your energy.  Your Spirit enlivens all who walk the earth, with her we yearn for justice to be done, for creation to be freed from bondage, for the hungry to be fed, for captives to be released, for your kingdom of peace to come on earth.  Amen

Opening Hymn

Let All Things Now Living

The Readings

See File Download Below:  Earth Sunday Readings


You have two options this week.  

You can read the sermon by clicking on the File Download below: Sermon Thoughts Ap. 19th


You can listen to Phil preach the sermon by clicking on the File Download below: Sermon for Earth Sunday April 19 2020


For the Healing of the Nations

Prayers of the People

Our prayers today are prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for the earth, for those who tend the earth, for those who bring healing.  We also pray for those on the frontlines of this pandemic, for the people in our own lives who need God's healing and strength, for the church, and for ourselves.

Let us pray,

God bless the Earth, our island home!  God bless all friends of the Earth!  God bless those who heal the earth, protect the earth, cherish the earth!

God bless all who know the true value of the land and who have the courage and faith to put themselves on the line.

God bless the government initiative to clean up orphan wells in our western provinces.

God bless development organizations in Canada like the David Suzuki Foundation, Sierra Club, and World Wildlife that work for the protection and betterment of our shared living space.

God bless farmers and migrant workers and all who tend the land so that we can have fresh produce, meat and plants that create health in us.

God bless those who collect our recycling, those who are coming up with innovative ways to repurpose used products, those who pick up garbage off the side of the road when they go for a walk.

God bless all who are trying to 'live more simply so that others may live'.  God bless all who are working for change, and who, as Jesus did, face ridicule, threats, violence, crucifixion.

Let us also ask God for what we need this day, this week, this season of waiting and distance...

We ask God to be with all frontline workers.  To provide real rest for those who are exhausted, protection for those who are most exposed, comfort to those who mourn, strength and perseverance for those who feel hopeless.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask God to be with those people we know who are in need of God's healing touch, God's strengthening spirit, God's comforting love.  We pray for these people by name,....... and also include, Tom & Catharine, John, Tom, Eric, Deb, Millie, Bill, Kerry, Jack, Joyce, Pat, Lorna.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the church.  We pray that the spirit of our fellowship would be enlivened in new ways during this time of distancing.  We pray for our leaders for wisdom and hope.  We pray especially for parishes around the world who are suffering financially and considering closing because of current circumstances.  Teach us how to be people of God, how to be the church in these changed times.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

And we pray for ourselves.  Take a few moments to tell God what it is you need this day and this week....

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.  Amen.



Creator of the earth and all living things, maker of the sky and the air and the breath of life, God of all that is: we are your servant people, created out of the clay of the earth itself. We forget that we are your creatures and we play at being gods. We neglect the work of stewardship that you have provided for our occupation and our joy.

We have used, abused, and abandoned those things that you have created for your delight.

You have created a fragile world in a perfect and delicate balance. Thinking too much of our own importance we have upset the balance.

We ask your forgiveness, Holy and Righteous God. We yearn to join with the mountains and valleys, the rocks and the birds of the wild ocean waters in singing your praises. Amen

Declaration of Hope

"Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)   Let us live into the forgiveness Christ has bestowed upon us by walking pathways of life, healing, forgiveness and compassion for our earth.  

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Closing Hymn

All Creatures of our God and King


Deep peace of the running wave to you,

deep peace of the flowing air to you,

deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

deep peace of the shining stars to you,

deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.


Notes on sources:

Opening Prayer, Prayers of the People (the Blessings) - "With All Creation"  from Holy Ground: Liturgies and worship resources for an engaged spirituality.  By Paynter & Boothroyd

Prayer of Confession - National Council of Churches

Benediction - Traditional Celtic Prayer