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LENT is a call to renew a commitment grown dull, perhaps, by a life more marked by routine than by reflection.

Joan Chittister

Pancake Supper 

Tuesday March 5th, 5:30 pm - please join us for a time to gather in community and share a meal as we enter into the season together.  

Ash Wednesday

11:15 am - Imposition of Ashes Service in the Church

7:30 pm - Imposition of Ashes Service in the Church

Lenten Study

Wednesday evenings through the season of Lent, join Ruthanne at the church for a time of reflection, conversation and prayer.  The focus will be on what resources our faith gives to us that enable us to "Stand in the Tragic Gap".  That is, that part of life in between what we hope for and what we actually experience.  This can often be a place of disappointment and pain.  But we are not alone.  Not only does God stand with us, but God equips us in a variety of ways not only to survive such times, but to also thrive because of them.  

If you are interested in attending this conversation (more so than an actual study) please pick up a copy of the article by Parker J. Palmer entitled "The Broken-Open Heart" directly from Ruthanne or from copies made available at the back of the sanctuary.  The article is simply and guide to provoke our conversation.  You do not need to study it in depth.  Materials that will be used will be made available at each session.

First meeting is on Wednesday March 13th at 7 pm.

(Note:  Ruthanne was unable to secure enough copies of the study book originally proposed in time for our study, thus the change in plans)

Lenten Lunch Series - Port Perry Ministerial - St. John's Presbyterian

Join us for a short service and lunch afterwards, hosted by the different churches of Port Perry.  11:50 am, starting on Wednesday March 13th.  Note: There will not be a mid-week Eucharist service on Wednesdays at 11:15 during Lent, to allow people to attenb the Lunches.  Holy Week we will start up again.

Sunday Services

During the season of Lent we simplify things during our worship.  This allows for a greater atmopshere of quiet to encourage reflection, penance and devotion.  For example, we do not say or sing the Gloria, we say the Lord's Prayer instead of singing it, and we refrain from our "Alleluia's".  If you notice something different about the service and are wondering why that is, it might be because it is Lent.  Ask Ruthanne.