As you know, Michelle Kettrick has been hired on a trial basis this fall to be our Music Director.  As that trial period draws to a close and the corporation makes a final decision about hiring, we are inviting members of the parish to offer their thoughts regarding music at Ascension.

Please either email your thoughts to one of the wardens:

Glynnice Avery -

Anne Paré -

Occo Van Tijn -

Or hand your written thoughts to one of them on Sunday November 20th or 27th.

We invite you to offer your thoughts about what is working well, what you like and appreicate, what you feel needs support or attention.  Critical thoughts are welcome in a constructive manner.  The wardens always endeavour to represent the parish in their decision making and so we want to hear from you, the parish. 

Please share your thoughts by November 30th.

With gratitude for your engagment in this process. 

The Corporation