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Yesterday at our morning service we had the privilege of hearing about the work of the Scugog Lake Stewards, a group of volunteers in our communty who are working hard to care for Lake Scugog and surrounding water ways.  Healthy water means healthy communities and environments!  Thank you Cliff for sharing with us yesterday and reminding us of what is happening and how we can help! (Don't mow your lawn or put down fertilizer or pesticides near the lake!!)

What are you doing for Earth Week?

I've heard from a few of our community members and this is what they are doing (or have already done).

  • while on a hike, a small group of folks picked up garbage
  • if you need spring water and don't want to keep buying plastic bottles, someone shared that you can go to Chalk Lake Spring and with your reusable container & get spring water for free.  For more info Click Here
  • one parishioner is planting new trees for each grandchild
  • attempting to shop without buying items in plastic packaging
  • growing things like lettuce, tomatoes and herbs in containers when there isn't access to a proper garden
  • learning about what is happening and what we can do to mitigate climate change
  • and someone shared this EXCELLENT newsletter/resource from CBC - Click Here

Long past is the time when we feel bashful for not doing enough.  We KNOW what needs be done and all of us - in small ways to start and then in larger ways - can take action now!  Remember, we are doing this, not for ourselves, but for our grandchildren and their families, for strangers and for all our sisters and brothers.  Just as Jesus taught us.